History of the settlement
Ditró formed by the people who left Gyergyószárhegy in the XV-th century. In the 1567 Regestrum it is registered as Gyitro with 26 gates.
In 1614, the Gábor Bethlen principalities’ delegates found 52 families: 6 pedestrians, 26 free seklers, 3 ancestors and 10 serfs, 7 sojourners and 2 servants. In 1721, the settlement was inhabited by 124 families from which 99 horse leaders and pedestrians, 24 serfs and 1 vagrant. In a statement of the border guard from 1773 appears 356 householders, 840 male children which meant a 2400 soul’s settlement.
The population continues to increase steadily and in 1910 the census counted 6,151 people, while in 1930, their number increased to 6,785 people. So Ditró soon caught up and even surpassed the population of Szárhegy, even so in the devastating plague from 1716-1717, 700 inhabitants have died.
n 1829, Ditro obtained the right for two national crowds and a Tuesday fair every week according to a certificate dated in Vienna by the King. In 1868, Ditro’s inhabitants have already asked in a Petitions to come among the settlements with own Council. At this time Ditró became a major economic factor of the region.